How to Tell When You May Need a Draining Solution in Your Backyard
Drainage is a serious issue and really can cause bad damages to a backyard. Bad drainage can eventually lead to a swamp in your backyard, and that you put your backyard out of use. Today, we will talk about how to recognize when your yard may need a draining solution, and how the problems can be fixed.
Pools of water staying in your yard after a rainstorm
First off, there is no way to avoid rain, but there definitely is a way to avoid getting those pools of water in your backyard. If you recognize that your yard seems to constantly have pools of water, that should be a big red flag. It means that your yard is not able to get out all the water, and eventually it can build up bad and make your yard filled with water if not fixed. This should be a big sign that a draining solution is needed.
Flat lands
Next, backyards all look different. Some may be on more of a tilt or slope, while others may seem very flat. Flat backyards can easily cause drainage problems because the water won’t be able to drain down from your yard by itself. The water will end up sitting in your yard and soaking into the grass, forming puddles and mud. A draining solution would be able to fix this situation because it would allow a place for all the runoff water.
French Drains
Now moving onto some possible solutions, a French drain is a very viable option to use when trying to think of draining solutions that would fix the issue. A French drain usually goes underneath the soil/ground and is designed to take the runoff water and move it to a different area away from the soil or home. If you have draining issues around your home especially, you don’t want this problem to worsen and possibly cause problems within the foundation of your home. Look into a French drain today!
Dry Riverbeds
A dry riverbed not only prevents erosion and puddles of water in your yard, but it also looks very natural and really compliments a backyard. A dry riverbed consists of a trench lined with stones and allows for the water in the yard to be drained out. Dry riverbeds are one of the most common forms of drainage solutions in the backyard because they are effective and are covered by stones and rocks. You can also add plants and flowers to this area to be able to update the look of the riverbed.
Overall, it is very common for backyards to have flood and puddle issues weather it be from a flat backyard, or just too much rain. Whatever it may be, there are some excellent draining solutions that can help this problem before it worsens. For draining solutions and other landscape help contact Clay Creek landscaping at 410-599-0159.